before Christmas.
A last minute appointment meant I was driving back home in the
mid afternoon, and then as careful as I was, was mightily crashed
into by another car.
Horrific sound of metal on metal, screeching brakes, and being spun
180% out of control and into another car as well.
What a shock, then off to hospital in an ambulance. Now I'm stiff,
sensitive and sore from the injuries. More tests to do.
Still not confident and nervous as a passenger and only have driven
once Christmas afternoon just a kilometre up the road and back to
take Ben home.
Still lots to do as to Insurance. Will Rosie be written off? A sad end
for her. I have not seen the major damage myself, too upsetting and
shocking, the family have.
As sore and fatigued as I was, the very next day I had to catch a train, and walk some distance to meet Bec and travel out to the Tow yard to collect all the personal effects from the car. I still couldn't see the damage as luckily she was parked aginst a wall. Bec took photos to show the family.
Bec did some climbing to get a final photo of the bonnet. She had to wear her gumboots
from her car (Bush Regen job) as you had to have enclosed footwear.
You can just see the rear corner damage but the bulk is side-on damage.
I'd only just finished work on the Tuesday, and had to remove the tinsel from
my crossing job. Rosie still sports her tinsel tail.