Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Finally, a full day at Printmaking - Gelli plate time!

After many weeks and a Friday afternoon market job for 2 months,
the break finally came.

A whole day of printmaking from my homemade Gelatine plates.
Other artists lovely prints on the day, details still to be found and

A very productive day, 37 prints.

 Happiness is - a full drying rack!

 Drawing with ink on a page dyed with White Beech Tree berry juice.

Kathy Hawkins etching.

Printed on fabric as well.

Judith's wonderful natural themes.


  1. Gorgeous! love the beech tree berry juice print...thanks for your comment too. Happy creating!

    1. Hi Dudley Redhead, thanks for leaving a comment on my Blog. I love the experimentation of natural dyes.

  2. Love your work Shelley! Really enjoyed watching you in action making amazing prints when you visited the farm.
