baking, decorating, gift giving.
Everyone contributes in some way, even though we tried to
hold back a lot expense-wise this year, much creative effort
was evident.
In the end it was quite pretty with decorations, and much
neater than before.
We had just a nice number of visitors, and saw all our own
Home made truffles are a messy business!
The healthy side of Xmas breakfast.
Our deck with a view, an Australian Bush Christmas.
Even some of the decorations are edible.
Everything looks better with a bauble or two, and a borrowed branch sprayed copper.
Bec lays it out, just a little bit of the naughty and a cuppa.
Bobbie is rearing to go, let's open the pressies!
Our pretty tree plus lights for the first time, found at Nanna's.
Nothing is safe from the Christmas Fairy, tinsel even on the Bowerbird.
You can almost hear Bob thinking, ' Do I have to wear this dumb bow?'
Bec finishes wrapping the boys hampers. Practical with homemade edibles.
Bring out the retro cake tin.
Sam takes charge of gift giving.
Bob helps of course.
He's got his new toy, has given a performance - now sleep, in the gift basket.
He decides it's just right. zzzzzz
The engaged ones.
Lunch begins, Bob likes his prawns.
A bowl from Nanna's.
Tricks for prawns.
Our buffet.
Ben adds to the decorations, height is an advantage.
Eat and rest.
Another piece of vintage, for the condiments.
Experimental dessert, Rocky Road Icecream.
Hopefully we didn't see the bottom of too many glasses.
Dinner was light, a baked Brie, walnuts, thyme and home harvested honey.
Finishing a great day with a full moon.
Boxing Day dawn.
Bob plays with his new duck toy, and then more sleep. Christmas is exhausting!
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