Friday, 13 November 2015

The Return of The Pressgang.

Our most recent art exhibition as a community printmaking group,
took place recently at Hornsby  library.

As part of the FOTA programme, (Festival Of The Arts) we had a good
turnout for the opening.

Our guest speaker, Peter Zanetti, was coincidentally a fellow student of
my art school days, at Hornsby TAFE.

Note: apologies for the reflections off the glass of the framed works.

 Who is this good looking young man? My son Ben and his girlfriend Sarah. 
He is standing in front of the artwork he would later purchase, one of my two 
of the Hawkesbury scenes down at Brooklyn.

Shown also, Marianne's and Vivian's.

 Helen and Lorraine have a discussion in front of Heather, Joe, 
Susanne, Berri, and Cecily's artworks.

 Caroline's collection - a woodblock informative display, cards collaged from printwork, and other prints fashioned with additional collage, free-form machine stitching and poetry.  

 Alongside Caroline's, John's Snow gums. This work was sold to a fellow Pressgang member.

 Susanne's feather print, Heather's and John's prints.

 Marianne's blue linocut duo, next a series of wildlife artworks by Berri and Judith.

 Judith's delightful sleeping koalas, Joe's actual tiger linocut plate framed, Robin's and Berri's pieces. 

 Joe's multi-coloured reduction lino tiger print, the story of The Pressgang.

 John's trees collagraph alongside Cecily's collagraph fish.

 The two pieces of river art of mine, left one sold. The aluminium etching of Joe's 
pebbles which I surprisingly was gifted, and Marianne's drypoint which many were 
mystified about. Her array of tones, how was this achieved? 

 Art is a serious business, one has to have the right pose, or stance, look educated, 
yet relaxed. From left, Joe, Helen, Judith and John.

 On the left stack, Vivian's, of Brooklyn, on the right stack, Helen's - all of these linocuts.

 Lorraine checks out Susanne's frangipani, Berri's reduction linocut of a sunflower, 
and Cecily's very detailed multi-coloured collagraph.

 Left stack: Robin's lighthouses. Top middle, Lorraine's Venice linocut. 
Bottom middle: Michaela's drypoint commuter series. 
Right stack: Louise's hand coloured flower drypoints.

 Robin's lighthouses.

 The start of another great catering spread by our members.

 Susanne and Pat give the show some scrutiny.

 Heather's top, and Joes reduction lino succulent.

Louse's hand coloured floral drypoints, her specialty.

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