Saturday, 10 January 2015

Free at last

Such an odd feeling, free of a huge chapter of responsibility, 16 months
long. How it will hit me in the next few days, and months, I don't know.

The Coast House, The Estate, barely would let me free of it's grasp,
deferred due to various things in life, children's illnesses, and my own on
the last day.

A prediction of 1 year's worth of work, blowing out by 4 months, not bad
all things considered, but way too long in personal cost, mine and family
and friends.

A surreal Gypsy traveller lifestyle, up and down a too familiar long road,
selling and giving, wheeling and dealing in goods.

Surviving and learning, longing and loneliness, deprivation quite often of family,
familiarity, local news and creature comforts. Strange diets, odd rituals in a
foreign space.

Now a blank canvas, unfamiliar rooms made anew, freshened by elbow grease
and paint. Light let in and fresh air, through uncluttered window spaces. A garden
that can breath again, untangled from it's jungle of overgrowth and clutter.

Somehow my efforts were as effective as a magician's wand, yet in hindsight what
a twisted struggle, a tortuous route.

Meeting along the way, the rogues, dealers, friends and foes. The dishonest, the
virtuous, the kind and a new self.

Pictures tell a story of sorts, but not the layers of dirt, emotion, weariness,
scratches and bruises. Still any visual record shows a good progress. Only the
involved who got their hands dirty will ever know how much.

I won't miss:
toasted cheese sandwiches, bundles of keys, the road to and from, air mattresses,
being dirty for days. Cockroaches, their eggs, Redback spiders, no TV, no Air Con
in the heat and humidity.

I will miss:
Friendly neighbour, a little channel walk, a Gelato bar, a new found independence
and level of fitness.

So here is a series of pics of the changes, the final results, telling an aspect of the
story, but not all.

Pics to come...

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