Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Coast House

Selling and wheeling dealing, not a natural state for me.
A necessary evil.

Mum had one trip of a lifetime, her honeymoon - which took
her on the grand tour, Asia, Europe, Britain etc.

Then she never travelled, or had a holiday again. so she armchair
travelled through books, and her many and eclectic themes of

She built a world to explore around herself. A lifetime of collecting.
I have included a small portion of a cross section of these here.

The funds will mean something though, chance of a new
future. More education and opportunity, especially for
someone advanced in years.

Rooms clear out slowly, and so too my mind will feel
emptier of heavy responsibility.

I could get some semblance of a life of my own back,
shock horror!

 There were books, and a vintage fishing rod and creel set.

 Furniture, in all states, good condition, to be renovated state, antique and junk. 
Plus various accessories such as designer shoes, etc.

 Egyptology. An interest in ancient history, and antiquities.

Mexicana, Aztec, Incas.

Religious art and an interest in the belief systems of many cultures.

 Middle Eastern.

 Reproduction Colonial, goes well with any other antique stylings.

 Frail old leadlight.

 Religious print from 1909. German.

 Whitegoods to sell, the usual 4.

 A highlight amongst the drudgery, one of my gorgeous three children, dressed to kill,
as a girl superhero. I had to help her make her costume for a cruise for Rovers,
and she said it was quite surreal seeing a huge crowd of superheroes lined up
outside The MCA at Circular Quay waiting to board their boat.

 That's my girl, go get them Princes Moonbeam!

 A pile for George, one of my buyers, religious, antiquities, 
Russian lacquerware, European, Icons, crucifixes. Books on topic.

 So much china, collectibles, display plates, jugs, glass and silverware etc.

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