Thursday, 24 April 2014

Art Plans

I am not free yet, many more months of duty with The Estate. Still, I can't help
but muse about my future creative plans.

This was supposed to be 'my time', recommencing with my art side, and was
planned for the last 3 years. Life took an unfortunate twist, as it will, often
when you think things are running according to plan.

Since having children, and giving up full time work:
on a part time basis - had run my own Creative Writing Group for a few years,
taught groups and private art students.

Joined a Printmaking Group, rejoined the local art society. Kept up with some
art exhibiting, and art competitions.

Done a minimal amount of freelance illustration, logo designs, Tshirt designs etc.

Continued with my writing in some form or another, from promotions to poems,
campaigning for causes, letters to the editor, writing for graphic novels.

Run a short sculpture workshop. All these things, to continue some creative thread
through my life.

Tried to improve my health, weight management, had health issues. Conquered
those to the best level.

Finished raising my last and youngest, settled them all into Uni, had the oldest
leave home. However 'my time' is still elusive, as I wade through the huge amount
of goods and sale of my mother's house.

Her health ran out, so old and frail, she passed away, and was my focus throughout
her years of ill health, accidents, and the final illness.

I have so many ideas, am sorting out my studio. Writing, poetry, sculpture, drawing,
painting, recycled art, assemblage, making artist's books, zines, so many themes of

What on earth do I choose? In a few months time, hopefully, I can look forward
to my plans again.


  1. Hoping you can get that 'me time,' sooner rather than later. You're such a creative spirit! Looking forward to a time when you feel able to let your light shine and put aside the burdens you've carried for so long.
    I'm sure you'll be filled with inspiration once you visit our farm ;-).

  2. I'm sure I will too Tracey, can't wait until the day it happens.
