Thursday, 24 April 2014

Art Plans

I am not free yet, many more months of duty with The Estate. Still, I can't help
but muse about my future creative plans.

This was supposed to be 'my time', recommencing with my art side, and was
planned for the last 3 years. Life took an unfortunate twist, as it will, often
when you think things are running according to plan.

Since having children, and giving up full time work:
on a part time basis - had run my own Creative Writing Group for a few years,
taught groups and private art students.

Joined a Printmaking Group, rejoined the local art society. Kept up with some
art exhibiting, and art competitions.

Done a minimal amount of freelance illustration, logo designs, Tshirt designs etc.

Continued with my writing in some form or another, from promotions to poems,
campaigning for causes, letters to the editor, writing for graphic novels.

Run a short sculpture workshop. All these things, to continue some creative thread
through my life.

Tried to improve my health, weight management, had health issues. Conquered
those to the best level.

Finished raising my last and youngest, settled them all into Uni, had the oldest
leave home. However 'my time' is still elusive, as I wade through the huge amount
of goods and sale of my mother's house.

Her health ran out, so old and frail, she passed away, and was my focus throughout
her years of ill health, accidents, and the final illness.

I have so many ideas, am sorting out my studio. Writing, poetry, sculpture, drawing,
painting, recycled art, assemblage, making artist's books, zines, so many themes of

What on earth do I choose? In a few months time, hopefully, I can look forward
to my plans again.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Plunder, treasure hunter, map reader?

Messages from beyond.

The tantalizing truth is, not only have I become by birthright, a curator of a
museum of curios, but a treasure hunter.

As someone, who would look  for clues to find X marks the spot, I have
no compass, no map, and no burning desire to be in this position.

The clues are instructions, written on paper in her hand, telling me what
things are, or what to do.

Even if I didn't happen across these, pinned or adhered to items, or in layers
of lace in musty trunks, they are notations burnt on my brain.

Told from an early age, these things are important. Words like: heritage, history,
heirlooms, antique, vintage, collectible, ephemera, provenance...

I see my own plans fade. I falter, as wishes of a lifetime are pushed to one side.

Trying to realise my full potential.

I have fallen into the trap. I am lost in the maze, and have been lured into the

Friday, 4 April 2014

Etched Aluminium plate workshop.

Yesterday, we printed the results of a workshop we did at Printmaking. The previous
week we were instructed in etched aluminium plates.

Our plates were washed and coated in a ground. After tracing on our designs, we
engraved into the metal with a sharp stylus. Then it was a series of baths to etch
and rinse, adding on resist medium as we went along.

I did a Firework Grevillea, like the design on Rosie my car. I'm reasonably happy
with it for a first attempt. However some finer points I didn't realise, like sticking
your fingerprints on the plate!

Also that I could have done more engraving, more crosshatching earlier on. As it
is not as strong if you add it in later.

It was nice though, to do it as a group experience, with these people I have known
for 3 years now.

 John looks on, our group concentrating on the task at hand.
 My corner of the group table, having just traced onto the ground covered plate.
 Rubbing the ink in.
 Wiping off.
 My plate.
 Helen's plate.
 Frances' plate.
 Detail of plate.
 Yummy morning tea always helps.
 On the press.
 Details of prints from plates.
 Final results for Frances and I.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Mangroves on the shoreline.

Our next Printmaking exhibition is a way off, so there is a year to develop.
My current life includes time spent at The Coast House north of where I live.

I am fascinated by The Hawkesbury River. It is an mazing combination of
water edged by these Mangroves, higher sandstone escarpments, or tree
covered hills.

I have been visiting this area for 30 years, since my parents retired up there.
After this next few months, I may not do it so often, I am tying up the last
loose ends of both of their lives, now they are passed.

I will feature my developments of this project in this blog which will be added
to as time goes on.

Water, sky and trees, all a bit tricky to represent in art, especially, water and
clouds, they don't stand still. You need a sensitive touch, or either will look

The pleasure and the pain

Months of work done at The Coast House, many more to come. It is a painful
chore, that needs to be done with care and respect, but still a mammoth task.

I now have to stay up there two days a week to get through it quicker, as it has
been painfully slow. My girls are settled into University, so now is the time.
Chester accompanies me.

I thought I had explored every little nook and cranny, then on leaving yesterday,
a new discovery.

Two more vintage trunks, that I thought were empty, were on closer, yet rushed
examination - full! Surprisingly, these were what had been left to me in the Will.

How had they been sitting there all this time, not noticed? I had been grumbling
at the awful state of linens etc. that I thought were those, then this amazing find.

One is of antique linens, some being family heirlooms, and another full of costumes.
An outfit of maroon velvet with lace trims, top and trousers, was actually from the
movie, 'My Brilliant Career'.

To pace myself through this arduous task, I have just started to take an afternoon
coastal walk, because I get very stiff and sore. My poor back and Arthritis acting
up. If I actually lived here, I would be doing this regularly, it is a delightful natural

 Lots of wonderful birdlife, Cormorants, Seagulls, Pelicans, Ducks, Corellas, Black Swans.

Many small private jetties, in all sorts of condition.

Marginal plantings.

 Little boats at shore's edge. I like the shabby blues paintwork on this one.

 This quaint house with an old dinghy planted out as landscaping.

 The sand bar not far from shore becomes a Pelican island.

Some distance to look into, Mangroves and higher mountains.