eludes you. Maybe by year's end you are tired and have lost motivation too.
Projects half finished are aggravating. Sometimes you just have to be patient.
These photos tell some of this.
My photography and blogging has stalled. 6 weeks gap. I did go to the National Parks free day
and took only this 1 photo. Thinking maybe a collagraph print from this?
I have been selling things to bring the studio build budget closer to commencement. I will need
'a bespoke builder' who will work with recycled materials. This dear old Art Deco clock
was sold to a like-minded soul who will repair and restore it. Good to know there are still
people like this in the world. I do like the retro quaintness of this photo.
Books seem to be suffering from a lack of use in the modern world. Cannot to date sell my cookbook collection, nor other people as hard as we try. Try to tell people these books are tried and tested recipes from a test kitchen, not like computer recipe sites where it is hit and miss.
Therefore you have boxes of goods just sitting, hoping. I only own about a 100+ only kept 16!
The work on the carpark must wait until our builders are free. They are doing a great job,
but are very busy people. This is the clothing rack tree, from a warm Spring day.
Waiting to see if this is acceptable, as an alternative small occasional table/stool for daughter
who has moved into a weenie unit? Built from freebies and recyclables. Free legs, free paint,
free MDF top and just elbow grease needed. Pinning down a largely absent girl to make a decision.
My new extra job, ironing and mending, negotiating pay fairness as to quantity.
Also waiting to be paid for the last batch.
Printmaking has stalled, have lost my creative mojo. Happens sometimes.
Artist Block. Ideas yes, motivation no.
The new studio site. The lowest corner before spilling into bushland reserve. Current tenants - the chickens, who will have a chicken Hilton built a few metres from here, and in their place, the new little glass cube studio will rise. Wishing for a sensitive bespoke builder.
Also needs to be very economical.
Also needs to be very economical.