Saturday, 25 February 2017

Hornsby Markets

The Sunset Sessions have just finished for another year.

Good fun meeting people at the markets in the Mall.

 I am selling framed prints of my artwork, or cards with 
some of the same images. Bec is selling her Bee's Wax Wraps. 

 Sometimes I sell vintage or retro items and collectables too. Now I have made 
some shabby chic chalk boards in pre-loved frames. 

For the last market, I did demos of Gelatine Plate printmaking. I sell these compact 
kits too. Here is the old frame reinvented with mini pegs to display my cards. 
Bec is selling her food wraps and her friend's soy candles. 

Thursday, 23 February 2017

The print exchange

Our printmaking group, the press gang, is having a print exchange
with a group called the same name in Devon, UK.

My inspiration was the finding of this cicada wing by my daughter

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Massive hail storm

Saturday saw a massive hail storm that seemed to come out of nowhere,
first just heavy drops.

By the time I realised it was going to be hail, it was so huge that there
was nothing to be done.

I would have been injured going out in that, and when I collected this
hail later could not believe the size or cruel jagged shapes of some

I realised my car of only a week was damaged.

To top it off the cat ate Chris' dinner, like a stealth cat right behind us,
up on a bench and we never heard a thing.

Last night eating dinner on our deck, I looked up and saw that the metal
awning was damaged as well. 35 yrs and nothing like this has ever
happened before.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

It begins, an idea takes shape

So much to shift, a couple of tonne of rock, and several trailer
loads worth of green waste too.

Though I imagine it will be dealt with on site, and not money
spent like that.

We currently have 4 green wheelie bins as we got an extra, and
next door lets us use theirs while away on trips.

There is much machine mulching to do too. I could not 'see the
wood for the trees' so to speak, but now slowly I can.

This area above, is a before, and pic below an after shot of a couple of 
hours weeding. Getting to ground level now. 

 The sandstone flagged path is re-emerging.

 The studio site is clearing, and although narrow, will fit the shed 
on the side, and access to the backyard. 

 Will this tree fern survive? Also a tall one but it is very old and leggy. 
The Summer has been harsh this year. 

 Minus the waste, this will be the view from the window of the studio. 
Below is the view of the tall gums.

Pile 1: Under this pile of sticks is a couple of tonne of rock.

Pile 2: Firewood to shift and fill. 

 Old shed to relocate and install for gardening tools elsewhere. Pretty battered, 
but hopefully still serviceable enough. Plus old gate. 

 Lookin down into the channel that floods the basement, which should be factored in 
with excavations for the side site. The dreaded Jasmine is in here too. 

 These concrete slabs will be used for the floor of the smaller shed.

 The big heap of rock is visible under the weed and vine. Much of it will be 
utilised in the base slab for the bigger shed /studio. 

 The shed will run alongside neighbour's fence, and if we move 
house will probably flat pack and go with us.

 6 giant weed bags from early this morning.

 A visitor this weekend. 

 Lots of nice plants waiting to go into freshly cleared garden areas. 

 Bec is tackling the Bamboo and Wistaria, tough foes. 

 I need to green screen this 3 and a half storey monstrosity from next door. A looming monolith which overlooks us and sends lots of noise. Hate it. More tall Crepe Myrtles, Sacred Bamboo, and Lilly Pilly probably. Plus powerlines and telephone cables to be aware of.  

 One of two possum houses we put up. 

 More plants waiting, Sandpaper Figs, Native Orchid, etc.

 Birdbath no. 3 to install though probably will be painted liquid Terracotta. 

 The massive hail storm yesterday smashed off this tree fern frond. Shows the power.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Let the destruction and construction begin

Time for a carpark. We cannot hold out any longer. Between my car,
Chris's car, and Bec's 4WD it would already be a juggle.

Add to the mix - Sam and Gordon's visiting car, maybe Gordon's Bike,
and Mike's 4WD, space is short. Plus 4 wheelie bins.

We can technically park there, even though inspector's try to book us,
as we bought a block with no off-street access 35 years ago, but when
we sell there's a problem.

Today no one wants a place without it, and it's a major selling point.
It would be a problem if we have to sell. Had to create a parking space
when I renovated and sold Mum's house, 3 years ago.

Day to day though the hauling in of shopping, and the taking out of
goods, recycling, green waste, garbage etc. is hard work up that slope.
Shortening the trip from the newly created parking level will also help.

So first the clearing.

 Major weed invading from next door, Jasmine vine. We start to clear the rainforest area. Different environmental factors mean that we have lost tree ferns over a period.

 The future studio site, sprayed but slow to take effect, more Jasmine Vine and a lot
of sandstone fill. A spare small shed to be removed and put up elsewhere on the
property. The view from the studio over the pool and valley, with an additional
window installed, will be pleasant, and let more light in. 

 Planning to gather the Bromeliads and group together here. 
They will revitalise the Rainforest area. 

 Now the canopy cover is gone, this Firewheel tree is starting to flourish.

 Piles of dead wood and prunings. Don't like next door's Breeze Block nightmare, 
must soften the look of that, yuck!

 Grass will go here, a sloping site with rocks too hard to maintain. Bamboo and Wistaria 
are enemies here. Need to green screen next door's megalithic house. 

 A majority of Pittosporums are affected by Borer attack and will go, they are 
actually growing in the wrong climate.

 The bridge still not installed over the path that has 
a major tree route lifting the sandstone flagging. 

 So much Privet. The difficult sloping path.

 Trimming the Jacaranda, which will need to go, a big conflict with power lines too. 

 Right along here parking for maybe 4 cars if we are lucky. Next door's 
very tall camper home eyesore. Well our carport to come will be in context I guess, 
a practical necessity as is theirs. Lots of rotten Fishbone Fern. 

From the street, showing the Jacaranda, right in the middle of where 
cars need to park, and also many shrubs to be relocated. Though with more 
clearing, we will appreciate more so the view of the Bluegums. 

Introducing Belle, or Bella?

So here is my new fun jalopy.

She is not a hippy car, a more serious grown-up car. Some things in
life are irreplaceable. Rosie was.

This car will do very nicely, I don't need the massive station-wagon
any more.

She is an elegant little number, a fetching metallic Midnight Blue.
We are bonding nicely.

A Hyundai Elantra, 10 years old.

A very good buy thanks to my son in law to be, who generously gave
his time and effort to finding, and bringing her to me.

Extremely low miles, immaculate interior. Few granny scratches, but
she was being driven by an old dear in her nineties.