Friday, 24 June 2016

More Gelli Workshop 2 - continued.

The workshop generated over a hundred prints on the day, and a very full day 
right to the end, making the most of the time available.

Lots of diversity, experimentation and ingenuity. All participants going home 
with quite a large pile of prints, some select ones and others showing potential 
and further food for thought.

 Subtle combing through across the paint on the plate surface.

 Soft and textured gum leaf print.

 Flattened ribbons and the addition of gold paint.

 A couple of plates became casualties on the day, but not to worry spares at hand.

 Paper stencils, and a cut down piece of Gelli made into a stamp.

 The circular plate.

 Cords, string, all manner of things.

 The window near the kitchenette.

Gelli Workshop 2 - continued

Gelli Workshop Number 2.

7 people this time from The Press Gang, to participate in an
all day Gelli print workshop.

All very enthusiastic and well absorbed by the process, and
pleasing and rewarding results.

Lovely colour combinations, textures and all sorts of natural
and man-made objects put to use.

 Discussing how collaged Gelli print layers can be used as a background and overprinted.

 Showing a practical application with printing using a stencil.

 The merits of a portable printing system.

 Using a foam roller.

 A texture plate, different to a smooth plate.

 Different print effects.

 Squeezing acrylic paint directly on to the plate.

 Roll across with the foam roller.

 Lay leaves on top.

 Burnish with hands.

 Peel away print.

 A second application of colour.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

What's going on with The Press Gang

We have had now I think our youngest visitor, Danny,
who came to print with his mum Jasmina.

A medium busy day at printmaking.

 Michelle's soft vinyl print.

 Vivian's woodblock of The Hawkesbury develops more colours.

 Drypoint of a kayak of mine, too rough may do again.

 Danny's polystyrene prints.

 Jasmina's drypoint from an illustration in the book 'Where the wild things are'.

Mikaela's reduction lino continues with hot colours.